I have a bit of a sticker addiction. Whenever my husband and I go to a craft store (Joann’s, Michael’s, Hobby Lobby, etc) or even the dollar store, I buy so many stickers. I finally convinced my husband that we could save SO MUCH money if we invested in a Cricut. I told him that I could make stickers using Cricut as well as other items…decorations, cards, t-shirts.

Yes! I can now make stickers using cricut!
I’m still learning how to use the Cricut and on top of that, I’m also trying to use Photoshop. The Cricut and the accompanying app, Design Space, is much easier than Photoshop, believe me. It’s unfortunate though, that you can’t actually design in Design Space. You can design by putting items (already designed pieces) together, you don’t design from scratch, i.e. drawing a cat or what have you. You need to do that beforehand and then upload it onto Design Space.
Keep warm printable stickers
As I said, I’m still learning to use these tools to make my crafts. There’s definitely been a learning curve but I’ve finally been able to make stickers using Cricut.
My theme for these stickers is definitely a keep warm theme. It seems like the weather went directly from summer to winter and skipped fall altogether. There’s no snow, but it’s cold…very cold. The babies are always bundled up in puffy jackets, hats and mittens. I chose to use happy colors just to brighten up the mood. Pinks and purples always make me happy.

Learning Curve = Mistakes
I’ve included pictures showing some of the things that I learned during this session of sticker making. The first set of stickers I printed and cut had a few mistakes: the “Let’s Snuggle” sticker was cut into individual letters. Yikes, that was kinda annoying. The steam coming from the Cocoa mug was also cut into 4 separate pieces, the Snow Globe was cut into two pieces. I made the mistake of importing the images into Design Space and just lazily making all the white space transparent. This happens unless there’s color encompassing the white portion. An example is the white space encompassed by the Cocoa mug handle.
I had Design Space include a bleed line when printing and I learned that sometimes it’s not the best idea. It ended up putting a bleed line that sometimes wasn’t flattering for the image. Take a look at the bleed line for the gloves, hat, bunny and snow globe. The bleed line didn’t look good on the arrows when printed but they were good when the sticker was placed. It looked exactly how I wanted it to.

Second try and new mistakes
I tried to fix these mistakes on Design Space by putting a white square the Let’s Snuggle stickers. I completely forgot about the snow globe and Cocoa mug. As for the bleed lines, I decided to not print them out this time which caused a white outline on some of the pieces. I’ve decided to try using photoshop to put a white blur line on each piece and to make the Let’s Snuggle sticker look better.

Once I get that fixed, I’ll post it as a free printable.

BTW, I purchased these images on Designbundles.net which has a very generous licensing program. I modified some of the images by changing colors or some design aspect.

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