November is tomorrow and that means HOLIDAY Season!!! For me, it’s the most exciting time of the year. For 3 months straight (November, December and January), it’s days off work, birthdays and other forms of celebration. We are even attending a wedding that we get to fly to. Yayyy! All these events can make us forget about our well being and that’s why I’m committing to exercising in November.

Exercising in November: 30 Minutes of Walking
Exercises Disclaimer:
The articles on are for educational and entertainment purposes only, and are not to be interpreted as a recommendation for a specific treatment plan, product, or course of action. Prior to joining us on this or any other fitness program, you must get your physicians approval.
I’m going to do 30 minutes of walking every day. That’s right, EVERY DAY! It doesn’t have to be 30 minutes straight. I’m going to try for 3 sessions of 10 minute exercises.
In October, I tried to commit to 31 minutes of exercise every day. I was not successful 100% of the time but that’s ok. I tried. Life gets in the way. I’m not going to be upset with myself over not fully accomplishing my fitness goal. After all, what’s the point of trying to better my physical health if it’s going to negatively affect my mental health? Exercising should be a way for us to make ourselves feel GOOD, NOT bad!
This month, I’ve included trackers for my planner to keep me accountable. Just like my water tracker, the walk trackers will be there to remind me every day.

Free Printable: Weekly Pages for November
I also made a free printable (November 2018 Weekly Planner Insert) for you to use if you’d like to join me this month. Right now, it’s a printable for 8.5 x 11 inch page planners but if you know your planners dimensions, feel free to adjust the print settings to fit your page. I really love planners and love customizing them. I’m going to release some free sticker’s for the month of November in the next few days. Subscribe to our newsletter to be informed of new items.

This is our first printable and we hope you enjoy it. Let us know if there’s something we can add to make it better. Also, please let us know if you’re enjoying the printable.
We hope you join us in exercising in November!